How Much Will it Cost to See a Knee Specialist in City of Orange, CA?

How Much Will it Cost to See a Knee Specialist in City of Orange, CA?

If you have a knee problem, it is important to meet with a skilled knee specialist as soon as possible so that you can be diagnosed and receive treatment. Typically, one of the questions that comes up earliest in this process is what the cost to see an orthopedic surgeon City of Orange will be.  sports-medicine-doctor-

Factors Affecting Cost

A variety of factors affect the cost of being treated by an orthopedic surgeon City of Orange, including:

  • Cost of living in the area – In areas where the cost of living is higher, it is more expensive for doctors to provide medical treatment. As a result, patients see higher costs for medical services.
  • Use of surgery – In some cases, knee specialists can treat knee problems without the use of surgery. This is especially common if the knee problem is mild or likely to heal on its own, or if the patient is elderly or medically unstable.
  • Arthroscopic vs. open knee surgery – The majority of common knee problems can be treated with arthroscopic surgery, a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the recovery time and resources associated with surgery. If a major procedure such as knee replacement is required, then open knee surgery will be used.
  • The physician – Some doctors are dedicated to keeping costs to a minimum for patients.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance will cover the cost of orthopedic surgery, because surgery is only used when it is necessary to treat a medical problem. In addition, if the injury occurred in a car accident or at work, auto insurance or worker’s compensation may also cover the cost of treatment.

How much you pay out of pocket depends primarily on your insurance plan. Some patients who have high premiums have a very low deductible or none at all, resulting in low costs. Others have a higher deductible, which could make the cost of surgery substantial if the deductible has not yet been met.

Managing the Cost of Treatment

Many people are able to manage the cost of being treated by an orthopedic surgeon City of Orange without any issues. If you have a high deductible and are not able to pay the entire cost of treatment out of pocket, there are a variety of financing options available. Many patients turn to patient financing companies to handle the cost of treatment. Other options include credit cards, health care credit cards, and loans.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee condition. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.