Fountain Valley’s Best Orthopedic Specialists for Athletes

Fountain Valley’s Best Orthopedic Specialists for Athletes

Orthopedic Surgeon Fountain Valley

Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists understand the medical issues concerning athletes. Participating in sports on any level provides a person with a healthy lifestyle. Athletes understand a few aches and pains are just part of the rigorous training program. The problem arises when discomforts fail to go away. Seeking one the expert knowledge of one of the Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists should be the next step.

What is a Sports Injury?

From playing league sports to exercise routines, numerous athletes are at risk for an injury. An athlete may receive an injury due to various reasons, including:

  • Accidents
  • Poor training programs
  • Failure to properly warm up with stretching prior to participation
  • Improper fitting or absence of sports gear

Prior to participation in an exercise training program or sports, obtain knowledge of proper training to help avoid injuries.

Types of Injuries: Acute and Chronic

Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists handle all types of athletic injuries and concerns. An injury may be acute or chronic depending on varying factors.

Acute or Sudden Injuries

An acute injury may happen suddenly with the body providing an immediate response to the action.

  • Pain is usually the first indicator of a distress to the body. The pain is often sudden and severe creating a need for immediate attention.
  • Inflammation, bruising and swelling of the injured area
  • Inability to move joints creating a limited range of motion in the limbs
  • A deformity over the injured area signaling a broken bone or dislocation

Chronic Injuries

Chronic injuries occur over a period of time. The receptiveness of a sport or general wear and tear on the body may be the cause of chronic injuries.

  • Pain or a dull ache while participating in a sport or exercise routine
  • Swelling of the joints
  • An ache while resting or sleeping

anthroscopicThe human body will give indicators when the time for professional help from Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists is needed. Severe pain, swelling and the inability to put pressure on the area are strong warning signs a doctor specializing in athletic injuries is needed immediately.


Depending on the severity of the injury, Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists will either begin with a non-surgical treatment method or surgery. With some injuries, the application of R.I.C.E may be enough to provide relief from painful symptoms.

  • Rest- During times of injury, the body needs to rest to help the healing process. Limiting activities and reducing movement of the injured area will help a person return to a normal, active lifestyle.
  • Ice- Apply ice packs to an injured area for 20 minutes every two to three hours or as directed by a healthcare professional will help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation.
  • Compression-With the use of elastic bandages or other support aid, compression may keep swelling down in the injured areas.
  • Elevation-Keeping the injured area propped up will help reduce swelling. The best way to do this practice is while resting and applying ice.

Over the counter or prescribed pain medications may also be used to help reduce symptoms relating to an injury.

Seeking the expert advice from one of the leading Fountain Valley orthopedic specialists, Dr. Howard Marans will allow an athlete to return to the desired activity with the shortest amount of recovery time. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.