What Are The Costs Associated With Shoulder Impingement Surgery?

What Are The Costs Associated With Shoulder Impingement Surgery?

One of the most common painful medical condition impacting the adult shoulder is impingement syndrome. This condition is the swelling of the shoulder due to a rotator cuff injury. Because the muscles in the shoulder are surrounded by bones, they are limited in the amount of room they have to swell. This results in an increase of pressure in the shoulder, resulting in reduced or no blood flow and muscle damage.

orthopedicShoulder Impingement Surgery Cost

Surgery is one treatment method to correct shoulder impingement. Understanding what contributes to shoulder impingement surgery cost can help patients to understand if this treatment option can address their needs while managing their budget. Many factors determine the full cost of shoulder impingement surgery. From the surgeon’s time to the ancillary costs not covered by medical insurance. Patients must have a clear understanding of their insurance coverage and select a surgeon who accepts their insurer’s plan.

Pre-Surgical Costs

Surgery is often used after other non-invasive options are not successful – rest, physical therapy, medication, and bracing provide rehabilitation and relief for many patients. The cost of these non-invasive treatment options are significantly less than surgery. Other pre-surgical costs include laboratory test.

Type of Surgery

There are three primary methods of corrective surgery. Each method directly impacts the shoulder impingement surgery cost.

  • Arthroscopic Surgery – Small incisions are used to access the shoulder. Then, small instruments and a camera are passed through these incisions to make the necessary repairs. This method is less expensive and has a shorter recovery time.
  • Open Surgery – In this treatment option a large incision is made in order for the doctor to have full access to the injured area. Both, the cost and recovery time associated with open surgery are greater.
  • Arthroplasty – This treatment method is the most complicated. In this procedure the damaged area is either repaired or replaced in a complicated procedure. There is an extended recovery period needed for shoulder arthroplasty and this treatment method has the highest cost.

Personalized Information on Shoulder Impingement Surgery

For personalized information on shoulder impingement surgery cost based upon your individual needs and medical insurance, contact OCOrthopedic+. Dr. Howard Marans accepts most PPOs and works with other insurance plans to provide service at a reasonable cost. Please click the icon below to schedule your consultation – or – call  714.979.8981.